Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Rumbling Babbling Episode 4: Curiosity In Silence

His Point of View (POV)
It has been twenty three days since our last conversation. Last week, I was in duty in another city. I haven’t told her about it yet. I only updated my status in my social network. I hope she noticed it. I wonder, how is she doing now?

So, again and again, it’s only me who considers him as my man. For him, I’m just another friend of him. I always let him know for every single moment of my life but he doesn't. . What does he expect me to be? Be the first knowing by stalking his recent status update? I wonder, how difficult to him to send me simple message as “hi, I’m in ABC city now”? If only he had sent me that simple message, I would have ended this awkward silent.

Why is this life so complicated ?
Missing someone? Call
Wanna meet up? Invite
Wanna be understood? Explain
Have question? Ask
Don’t like something? Say it
Like something? State it
Want something? Ask it
Love someone? Tell it
Let down your ego and stubbornness. Clear this misunderstanding. Be simple and happy.

Thanks to my beta reader: dr.Elpen F. 
To my dear, you know who you are, please be happy :)


A wise man writes in his blog:

“Woman always gives more to her man”

If you give her house, she will give you warmth in your home
If you give her rice, she will give you a plate of warm meal in return
If you give her LOVE, she will give you devotion for the rest of her life
But if you give her BETRAYAL, she will give you prayer in her sorrow tears, and that’s mean prepare yourself for million of MISFORTUNES.
If you pray and you believe that she is your lost rib, accept her not as a perfect woman, but as the best woman.
The best woman from God is not the one who never make mistake, but the one who always say “forgive me” for every mistake she made, and she has a lot of forgiveness for your mistakes.
The one who accepts your past and want to built her future with you.
The one who always worry and lose her mind when you didn’t give her message.
The one who gives positive effect in your life. The one who reminds you of God.
The one who makes you feel grateful when failure comes to your life.
The one who never forget to whisper your name in her prayer..

English translation by Dina Ratna
A lot of thanks to Kak Meri who shares this in Group and my beta reader: dr.Elpen F.


Dapat dari grup BBM, bagus buat di share...
Seorang bijak dalam blognya berkata:
“Wanita selalu mengembalikan lebih untuk pria”
Jika kamu memberinya rumah, maka ia akan memberimu kehangatan dalam rumahmu
Jika kamu memberinya beras, ia akan mengembalikan nasi untukmu
Jika kamu memberinya CINTA, ia akan memberimu pengabdian seumur hidupnya
Tapi jika kau memberinya PENGKHIANATAN, ia akan memberimu doa dalam air mata kepedihannya, dan itu berarti siapkan dirimu untuk berjuta KEMALANGAN.
Jika kamu berdoa dan kamu yakin bahwa dialah tulang rusukmu, maka terimalah dia bukan sebagai wanita yang sempurna, melainkan sebagai wanita yang terbaik.
Yang terbaik dari Tuhan bukanlah dia yang tidak pernah berbuat salah, tapi dia yang selalu berkata maaf untuk setiap kesalahannya dan dia yang punya sejuta maaf untuk kesalahanmu.
Ia yang menerima masa lalumu dan yang siap merancangkan masa depannya bersamamu
Ia yang selalu cemas dan hilang akal ketika kamu tak memberinya kabar
Ia yang bisa memberimu dampak positif dalam hidupmu. Ia yang mengingatkanmu akan Tuhan.
Ia yang mengajakmu bersyukur saat kegagalan menghampiri hidupmu.
Ia yang tidak pernah lupa menyebutmu dalam doanya.

Credit to Kak Meri yang nge-post di grup, dan siapapun penulis aslinya.